Steps to Follow
- Create new Flash File (File->;New or Ctrl + N) and Name it as Emboss effect.
- Create (draw ) pencil image like below
- Convert this image as an movieclip using Modify->;covert to symbol or press F8, choose Movieclip.and name it as pencil
- Draw eyes image inside the Moviecip called "eyes"
- Create eyes blinking animation inside the Movieclip.
- Draw hands (like in sample) and Convert this image as an movieclip using Modify->covert to symbol or press F8, choose Movieclip.and name it as hands
- Inside the "hands" Movieclip create hand moving ( up and down ) aniamtion
- Co-relate all objects ( moviclips ) with main clip(pencil)
- Now give ctrl+Enter to run the player.