September 2, 2009

Real Switch Effect

Notice the following sample swf carefully, In this you can find one switch option. Please click on this , you can find the cool effect.

  1. Create new Flash File (File->New or Ctrl + N) and Name it as ReafSwitch effect.
  2. Import image which you want to apply light effect ( better choose some image with light source like below
  3. Convert this image as an movieclip using Modify->covert to symbol or press F8.and name it as Light.Refer below image
  4. Click on this Movieclip and set Instance name as "Light".
  5. Now we can create the switch. Create button symbol and name it as switch_on
  6. Create an image like switch in on position like below image
  7. similary create one more button symbol called switch_off.
  8. Also create an switch image like below
  9. Now in main movie create the layer caller "light" , place the "light" moviclip in first frame and the adjacent frame too.
  10. Make first frame "light" movieclips alpha value to 40%.
  11. Similarly create one more layer caller "switch" , there you place the both button clips in adjacent frame .
  12. Now toggle the frame using script on button click event
  13. Now give ctrl+Enter to run the player.
  14. Download source code from here


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we Currently handling web requirements and multimedia productions and we have the capability of cutting your web , graphics and multimedia expenses to a bare minimum without sacrificing professional quality or delaying production. Our focus is on the development of smart, successful ideas and we always strive to maintain the highest . we currently using following technologies Flash 8, Flash cs3,Actionscript 2 ,Action script 3 ,Flash Media server , PHP,AMFPHP,XML ,HTML ,CSS ,Photoshop


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