September 1, 2009

Matrix Text Effect

Notice the following sample swf , This animation created only using script.You can use this effects on Presentations , Intro pages , slideshows etc.

  1. Create new Flash File (File->New or Ctrl + N) and Name it as matrixtext 
  2. Create one Text Filed ,enter one single text Like "G". 
  3. Open Filters window ,and set glow effect to set.

  4. Now you will get the output like below
  5. Export this images as "myLet" .
  6. Enter the Following code in the action script Layer

    stop ();
    var myNum:Number;
    var myTimer:Number = setInterval (newClip, 40);
    var counter:Number = 0;
    var counter2:Number = 0;
    var titleCounter:Number = 0;var header:String = new String("Welcome"); var space:Boolean = false;
    var alphaB:String= new String ("a[Z2b]Y3c|X4d}W5e {V6f'U7g;T8h.0S9i,R~j:Q'kP!lO@mN#nM$oL%pK^qJ&rI*sH(tG)uF_vE+wD-xC=yB\zA?><\"");
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip ("topLine", getNextHighestDepth());
    _root.attachMovie("finish", "finish", getNextHighestDepth(),
    _x: Stage.width-(this._width+10),_y: 390})
    _root["finish"].theTxt.text = "decoding... 0%";
    _root["finish"]._alpha = 60;
    showhead ();

  7. The above code is variable can get the remaining script from Source file which can be download from below link.


we are doing all kind of web / standalone applications using Flash , FMS, PHP , XML , CSS , etc. we handle all projects starting from the initial design concept through the delivery of your personalized product. Our commitment to you is comprehensive and complete-aimed at satisfying your every need. We have the experience and the expertise to get the job done.

Site Info

we Currently handling web requirements and multimedia productions and we have the capability of cutting your web , graphics and multimedia expenses to a bare minimum without sacrificing professional quality or delaying production. Our focus is on the development of smart, successful ideas and we always strive to maintain the highest . we currently using following technologies Flash 8, Flash cs3,Actionscript 2 ,Action script 3 ,Flash Media server , PHP,AMFPHP,XML ,HTML ,CSS ,Photoshop


Digizone, AnnaNagar East, Chennai, TamilNadu ,India. Please view our website for further details

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